Wednesday 22 February 2017

#100daysofvideogames Day 14

DAY 14

Before we had friends round in the morning, Squidge and Moppet teamed up on Pokémon Go, and asked me to help them write out notes of their highest CP Pokémon in their Pokedex.
(Literacy, numeracy, teamwork)

In breaks between seeing friends and trampolining in the afternoon, Sprout played some Skyrim, looking for a loot store and some specific skulls that he wanted for his collection (he's installed a mod so that he keeps them when he finds them). He also installed a 'new and vibrant' mod (I'll find the actual name if I get chance!) and showed me round a couple of the areas the show me how it made the surroundings really beautiful, and compared it to the way it normally looks, commenting on the way it made the game feel different. He later started on one of the missions and played it through.
(Literacy, comprehension, achieving goals, problem solving, aesthetics)

Squidge found his 2DS and played a bit of Pokémon Blue and Red, and also a bit of Face Raiders. He played these on his way to two activities (trampolining and jujitsu) that he really wants to join in with but gets anxious about. Engaging with games that he loves helps him not to focus on feeling worried, and although he hasn't joined the classes yet, he's made it into the room of both, and got increasingly close to joining, for which I'm so proud. The games he enjoys are invaluable in this regard!
(Hand eye coordination, literacy, transitioning)

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