
Friday 22 June 2012

Busy busy! Cosford RAF Museum

I usually keep photos and memories on Facebook of all the stuff we do, but it's getting increasingly difficult to go back and find specific things, so I thought I'd start popping some things on here so I can come back and enjoy them as and when!

We've had a pretty busy couple of weeks with trips out and weekends away. We had a day at Cosford RAF Museum with some other Home Educators. Sprout and Squidge both love it there and have been quite a few times, and to top it off it's free!

Ice creams...


...flight plans...

...electronics (one of Finn's favourites so I'm on the lookout for a kit!)...

...plane control...

...payload dropping (a firm favourite where they spend most of their time every visit!)...

...wind speed...

...the Bernoulli effect (for which Snibston also has a good interactive activity)...


...and huuuuge picnicphile rooks!

The hands-on area is fantastic (and has left us with plans to make one of these this coming week), plus there are an enormous number of planes and other military vehicles to look at, and a great Space Race media pod that the boys are both entranced by every time we visit. Squidge is looking at these photos as I type and is asking to go back again soon, so looks like another trip is in the offing!

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